Virtual Exhibits and Digital Projects
Louis Riel: A Letter To Robert Gordon
Joseph Caldwell: A Curious Friendship
Alice Rendell: Prairie Fire
Edmund Oliver: A Chaplain's War
Moosewoods to Broadway
Inter-institutional sites (Council projects)
- All Frocked Up: Glimpses of Cross-Dressing in Saskatchewan
- Canada Quiz / Quiz Découverte canadienne
- Combined Virtues: Saskatchewan's Ukrainian Legacy
- A Doukhobor Song of Days | Version française
- Exhibits for Kids:
- Main Street, Saskatchewan / Version française
- Medicare: A People's Issue
- Saskatchewan's 1944 CCF Election / Les Élections de la CCF en Saskatchewan en 1944
- Saskatchewan and the Visual Arts
- Saskatchewan in Two World Wars
- The Saskatchewan Landscape | Le Paysage de la Saskatchewan
- Saskatchewan Presents: An exhibition of theatre and drama /
La Saskatchewan présente : Une exposition de théàtre - Saskatchewan Quiz
- Saskatchewan Remembers
- Saskatoon: The Early Years
Inter-institutional sites (other projects)
- At Work: Historical Images of Labour in Saskatchewan
- Herstory: An Exhibition
- Documenting Saskatchewan
- Northern Research Portal (University of Saskatchewan)
- Our Legacy (Material relating to First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples, found in Saskatchewan cultural and heritage collections)
- Persuasion: Print Advertising and Advocacy on the Prairies (University of Saskatchewan)
- Saskatchewan Resources for Sexual Diversity
- Wish You Were Here: Saskatchewan Postcard Collections (University of Saskatchewan)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4