About Us

Prior to 2000, two archive entities existed in Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Archivists Society (SAS) and the Saskatchewan Council of Archives (SCA). The discussion to amalgamate these two began in late 1999.

A constitution for the Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists (SCAA) was approved by both the SAS and the SCA in April and May 2000 with the SCAA meeting first in October of 2000.

Click here to download a PDF of the SCAA's

Constitution and Bylaws, as amended on June 22, 2023

Click here to download a PDF of the SCAA's

Code of Ethics 2013

Click here to download a PDF of the SCAA's

Strategic Plans

The SCAA's current Strategic Plan for 2024-2027 was developed with the help of Shad Ali of On Purpose Leadership Inc.

The SCAA's Strategic Plan 2020-2024 was developed with the help of Bruce Anderson of B-creative Group.

The SCAA's strategic plan was developed during 2014-15 by the Common Ground Resource Group.

In 2010-11 the SCAA has adopted the strategic management approach developed by the Haines Centre for Strategic Management as its model for strategic planning. The model is designed to be incorporated as a year-round, ongoing approach to management, rather than an occurrence that takes place once every three to five years. The model begins with the end in mind and works backwards to operational strategies, processes and structures and has annual review and renewal built into it.

    •    2012-2015 Strategic Plan (PDF file)

The SCAA's first strategic plan was developed during 2006-07, using a participatory planning method facilitated by Turning Point Consultants.

    •    2006-2011 Strategic Plan (PDF file)

Diversity Plan

In 2014-15, the Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists was chosen as one of five organizations to take part in SaskCulture’s Diversity Pilot Project.  SaskCulture states very clearly in their Strategic Plan that its aim is to ensure that “cultural opportunities are inclusive, responsive and reflective of the changing face of the province”, and the groups that it funds must “…re-assess, re-think and re-vamp to ensure they offer the most inclusive programs and services – engaging increasingly diverse members, participants, volunteers and audiences”.  It was hinted that future funding could be contingent upon adopting these ideals – that got our attention! 

So, to this end, over the past year, members of the SCAA Executive have been meeting with a consultant to, first of all, understand what diversity means to us, and secondly, investigate ways to bring about a more diverse SCAA.  We were advised that SaskCulture was primarily focusing on two groups; First Nations/Metis, as well as new Canadians, but, as we all know, there are many other groups and communities in the province that would be appropriate in any discussion about diversity.

 For more information on the SaskCulture, Strategic Plan, 2015-2019, go to http://www.saskculture.ca/about/our-role/strategic-plan

In recent years, the Grants component of the SCAA has been very well subscribed, and members have come to rely on these funds for many projects.  This was one area where the Executive felt that the Council could possibly “nudge” our members into coming up with projects that would fall under this diversity umbrella.  We (the executive) discussed how the term diversity applies to archives and our members; we believe that it could apply to both users/researchers, as well as holdings.  Proposals that focused on bringing about greater inclusion in the community, or projects related to individuals or groups that are relevant to those of a diverse culture would be regarded favourably by the Grants Committee.

The idea of diversity and inclusivity is a product of our changing society in Saskatchewan.  The SCAA, in an effort to be relevant and accessible to all the people in the province, is hoping to incorporate these ideals into our day-to-day operations.  Look for future diversity initiatives including training opportunities and workshops to be announced over the coming year. One of our main goals is to bring the history of the province to as many people as possible.  The diversity ideal may be one of our most effective tools to do this.

Click here to download a PDF copy of

SCAA's Diversity Plan - 2017 review

SCAA's Diversity Directory - 2018


Past AGM Packages with Financials

Previous AGM packages, that include the agenda, the reports from the SCAA Executive and the Committees as well as the minutes of the last AGM.
Packages for previous years are downloadable below.

2023 agm package.pdf

2022 agm package.pdf

2021 agm package.pdf

2020 agm package.pdf

2019 agm package.pdf

2018 agm package.pdf

2017 agm package.pdf

2016 agm package.pdf

2015 agm package.pdf

2014 agm package.pdf

2013 agm package.pdf

2012 agm package.pdf

2011 agm package.pdf

2010 agm package.pdf

2009 agm package.pdf