Membership Benefits

There are several benefits associated with individual and institutional membership in the Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists:

  • Access to the specialized services of the SCAA Archives Advisor
  • Ability to apply for funding from programs adjudicated by the SCAA or otherwise available to members of archival councils (e.g. Provincial Institutional Grant Program (IGP) and Young Canada Works) (Institutional members)
    • Note: eligibility of developmental institutional members depends on guidelines of external granting agencies
  • Ability to contribute entries to the Saskatchewan database, MemorySask  (fonds/series/file/item level descriptions; photograph descriptions and scanned images) (Institutional members)
  • Inclusion in the Directory of Archives in Saskatchewan on the website (Institutional members)
  • Receive member rates for SCAA-sponsored workshops (Institutional and Individual members)
  • Access to SCAA training opportunities (and, with the exception of General members, assistance from the SCAA's professional development fund to facilitate participation in ALL appropriate training opportunities) (Institutional and Individual members)
  • Ability to post and receive messages on the SCAA e-mail list-serve (Institutional and Individual members)
  • Post to the SCAA's Blog, plus e-updates and other communications (Institutional and Individual members)
  • Networking and information sharing opportunities to meet with like-minded professionals at SCAA events (meetings, workshops, AGM) (Institutional and Individual members)
  • Ability to participate on SCAA Executive and/or Committees (Institutional and Individual members)
  • Ability to vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and determine the priorities of the SCAA (Institutional and Individual members)

Individual Membership

Individual membership shall be accorded to any Saskatchewan resident who supports the objectives of the Council and who has been accepted as a Member by resolution of the Board or in such manner as may be determined by the Board. Individual members in good standing have the right to vote during meetings and to hold office in the Council.

**Note that each institutional member designates one person to be its representative for the entire year; that person has the right to vote during meeting and to hold office in the Council, and therefore is not eligible to hold a separate individual membership. 

General membership is open to any individual, through the payment of membership dues, to support the objectives of the Council and has been accepted as a General Member by resolution of the Board or in any such manners as may be determined by the Board. General members may not vote at meetings or hold office. General members are not eligible for funding from any grant programs administered or adjudicated by the Council.

Individual (Annual dues: $40)
Non-Salaried/Retired/Student: (Annual dues: $30)
General (Annual dues: $25)

Download the application form here: individual member.docx

To join, please send the completed form along with your payment to:

Regina SCAA Administrative Office

Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists
PO Box 31122 RPO Normanview
Regina, SK
S4R 8R6

Telephone: (306) 780-9414;
Email: Click here SCAA office

(For credit card payment the office will be in contact for information)

Institutional Membership

Institutional membership is open to any permanent establishment in Saskatchewan dedicated to: acquiring, appraising, selecting and conserving the archival records of its sponsoring institution (normally its primary goal) and the archival records of corporate bodies, organizations or individuals relevant to its sponsoring institution or to a defined community or thematic interest; arranging and describing the archival records according to accepted archival principles; and making the archival records available for continuing use under defined conditions. Institutional membership is a condition of application for SCAA grants.

[ ] Archives operated by full-time or part-time paid staff: 1-3 staff (annual dues: $140)

[ ] 4-10 staff (annual dues: $180)

[ ] 11+ (annual dues: $200)

[ ] Archives operated by volunteers (annual dues: $80)

[ ] Developmental institutional membership (annual dues: $75) is open to any establishment in Saskatchewan that is engaged or
interested in archival work but does not qualify for institutional membership.

[ ] General member (annual dues: $40) is open to any institution wishing, through the payment of
membership dues, to support the objectives of the Council and has been accepted as a General Member by resolution of the
Board or in such other manners as may be determined by the Board. General members may not vote at meetings or hold office.
General members are not eligible for funding from any grant programs administered or adjudicated by the Council.

**All membership renewal and applications shall be approved by the SCAA Board of Directors.**

Download the application form here: institutional member.docx

To join, please send the completed form along with your payment to:

Regina SCAA Administrative Office

Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists
PO Box 31122 RPO Normanview
Regina, SK
S4R 8R6

Telephone: (306) 780-9414;
Email: Click here SCAA office

(For credit card payment the office will be in contact for information)