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At Work: Historical Images of Labour in Saskatchewan

At Work: Historical Images of
Labour in Saskatchewan

University of Saskatchewan


Project Supervisor: Cheryl Avery

Curator: Neil Richards

Web Design: Luke Sather

Database Construction: Tim Hutchinson

Video Digitization: Educational Media Access and Production, University of Saskatchewan

Scanning, photography and data entry: Joanne Abrahamson, Cheryl Avery, Paget Code, Patrick Hayes

Promotional Materials Design and Printing: Maria Jochmaring, Lori Verishagen, Printing Services, University of Saskatchewan

Bibliography: Neil Richards

Instructional Component: W.J.C. Cherwinski

We are grateful for the advice and assistance provided by Ron Avery, Wanda Bartlett, David Bindle, Nadine Charabin, Peter Downing, Dorothea Funk, Steve Gibb, Larry Hubich, Tim Novak, Jeff O’Brien, Rob Paul, Duff Spafford, Bonnie Wagner, and Bill Waiser.

We are indebted to the authors and editors of The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan for their work, which proved invaluable to this project.
The Encyclopedia is a publication of the Canadian Plains Research Center.

We gratefully acknowledge the Department of Canadian Heritage through the Canadian Culture Online Program, Library and Archives Canada and the Canadian Council of Archives for their financial support for this project.

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If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely
the rich would have kept it all to themselves.
Lane Kirkland ~ American labour union leader (1922—1991)